Sectional Door Example From R&S San Francisco Service Call
Sectional Door Example From R&S San Francisco service call
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Sectional doors are one of the most popular door choices for commercial applications. Would one work for your business?

In general, sectional doors are less expensive than rolling steel doors, making them the cost-effective option. They are also available in a variety of colors and styles that can fit many different aesthetics.

Besides cost, the other major consideration for sectional doors is the overhead clearance you have available. A rolling steel door requires clearance above the door for the hood, and a sectional door requires the space to hang its overhead tracks from the ceiling. Depending on the size of the door, height of the ceilings and use of overhead space, one door may clearly be the better option.

We’d love to discuss whether a sectional door or a rolling steel door is a better fit for your business or investment property!


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Perhaps one of the greatest advantages of sectional doors is how easy they are to repair. Unlike curtain doors that may need to be replaced entirely when damaged, only the damaged panels of a sectional door need to be replaced.

R&S San Francisco is the go-to resource for sectional door repairs in San Francisco. Our sectional door customers range from fire stations to property management companies, so rest assured we have the experience to get your sectional door back in working order.